In last week’s Sunday edition of the New York Times, in a section called THE SEARCH, there was a very interesting article on what to do after a job layoff. It was interesting, informative and incomplete. I suggest that you take a look at the article if you get a chance ( If not, here’s a synopsis: After a layoff your self esteem may be impacted; you may go through the grief cycle because of the ‘death’ of your job and your ‘desperation factor’ may have gone up.
Ok, that makes sense to me. The article’s author goes on further to say that the person might want to ‘act as if’ they are confident and positive. Ok. That’s fine with me.
Then the article quotes a private practice Psychologist who also holds a position with the American Psychological Association. The ‘good doctor’ advises that you deal with the situation as a ‘profound loss’, that you ‘download your emotions’ and understand that you may have some immuno-deficiencies associated with the stress and general wear and tear on your emotions and physical body. All good stuff, says I.
And I posit that this is incomplete because it doesn’t give that person much in the way of ‘take control’ tactics.
I advocate that the person in question do the following:
The first step is to take inventory of your job skills and beliefs as it relates to your previous job requirements. Also list out the core job functions of your previous job (and potential future job ) such as managing financials, leading others, writing and interpreting reports, leading meetings, setting strategic goals and on and on.
The next step is to list them; ie. communication skills, managing multiple tasks, etc.
Then, rate yourself in all of the above areas; 1=Poor and 10=Mastery.
Accentuate the Positive. Celebrate yourself for the numbers 8 and over and then Illuminate the Negative by acknowledging those areas where you scored 5 or below. Then get to work on how you will close the gap between poor and mastery in those areas. THUS YOU ARE TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR DESTINY; and enjoying the associated feelings of a boost in self esteem, reduced stress levels, increased value to future employers and increased value to YOURSELF and your family.
I appreciate Sunday’s article and trust that I’ve added a perspective that might increase the utility of the author and Psychologist’s ideas and suggestions.