There is a prayer found in the Old Testament called the Veyahavta (sp?).
It states that you should ‘love the Lord with all of your heart, might and soul, teach this to your children, think of this when you lay down to sleep and when you wake up’… and that you should keep this idea in front of you at all times; that you should write it on your hand and post it as a sign upon your doorpost.

The profound message that I have taken away from this: CREATE POST IT NOTES WITH YOUR GOALS, VALUES, VISION (and sometimes dry cleaner pickup reminders) POSTED SO THAT YOU CAN SEE THEM OFTEN.

The point is to keep these things in line of sight so that you can keep them in line with your mind. We’ve all heard, ‘out of sight, out of mind’ so this prayer has stayed with me since the day I heard it in english. (it had been read aloud in Hebrew when I was a kid but they missed the mark with me because I had no idea what it meant back then. wish i did.)

Could this be referring to Vision Boards? Affirmations? Grocery Lists? Post it notes on the bathroom mirror? In Jewish households you might notice a small item on the right side of their doorpost. That’s called a Mezuzah and it contains a prayer and is there as a ‘reminder’. It’s the 5000yr old tradition that stems from the Veyahavta prayer.

Whatever your technique, form, placement, or message, my point here is to POST IT BEFORE YOUR EYES so that it stays more available to your conscious and unconscious mind.

Many of us have scanners in our office. They’re great tools to capture images for future reference. Our eyes are the best scanners of all and our brains are the greatest computer ever developed. So, keeping these ‘postings’ around for us to ‘scan’ makes good sense and gets great results.

My friend John Assarafs and his vision board was featured in the mega popular movie and book, The Secret. John has an awesome vision board ‘kit’ that I’ve procured and used as a ‘sign upon my wall’. (get it online). When I visit John, I see his current vision board on the wall and, though it’s not MY vision board, it reminds me of aspects and aspirations of John that rekindles my thoughts and feelings. Another friend, Greg Reid, has his vision board posted in his office and, again, while it’s not MY vision board, it reestablishes in my mind and heart many of the qualities that I admire about him and gives me food for thought about my own aspirations.

In my next blog I will discuss how we utilize this concept to determine how and where to ACCENTUATE the Positive and ILLUMINATE the Negative with these 5000 year old post it notes….how to maximize your effectiveness, productivity and subsequent happiness and peace of mind.