It’s really comforting to see good people doing good things for good reasons. That was the case last night where we attended an emotional, touching and profitable fundraiser at the Assaraf estate. The cause: poor children in Uganda. The goal: increased health standards and achievements, education, justice and a decent standard of living for our brothers and sisters in Africa.
Deepak Chopra shared some thoughts – poignant thoughts- and I was particularly moved by his articulation of our interconnectedness.
He spoke the words, “…we are sometimes under the ‘hallucination of separate self “. Deepak reminded us that there is no separation between self and others, that we too often live our ‘self in it’s infinite disguises’.
A lot of money was raised for his cause- awareness of the plight of ‘others’ (ourselves) is up and at front of mind and this was the result of a cooperative effort lead by some of the best part of humanity- the best part of ourselves.
Some people look at these issues and say, ‘what can we do?’. This group asked, ‘what MORE can we do?’ If you’re in, check out
Special thanks to John and Maria for opening their wonderful home for the small, sit down, dinner party for over 250 people.